Hi. I’m Pam Le and I like to make sh*t happen. My mom is Vietnamese and white, my dad is Vietnamese and black so therefore I’m a panda. Born in Houston, TX, raised in Rio Grande Valley, graduated college from The Art Institute of Dallas, then moved to California afterwards shortly to find out that I belong in Texas.
At the age of 23 I started a network marketing business that offers essential services to residential and commercial. With 6 years of hard work, sacrifice, and discipline I became the youngest female Regional Vice President making it to the top 1% of the company. I’m beyond grateful for my team, my mentors, my family and everyone who has been so supportive through my journey. Since that big promotion in December 2019, my world has been a wild roller coaster ride.
Recently I’ve been doing a lot of traveling and exploring to rediscover my interests. I believe that if you are not growing, you are dying and if you don’t use the skills you have, you’ll lose them. There are many things I am very passionate about and I’m excited to express my love and joy with you all through my digital diary (blog) in hopes to inspire and connect with people that I can also learn from.
On my spare time I love to pick up a new challenge and experience something different, or enjoy a delicious bowl of pho. The future is bright and I’m excited to gather it all in words to share with you. The best days of our lives are ahead of us!